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Wednesday, March 14, 2007


ls sed -e 's/^\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmpfam motif.hmm \1.fa > ..\/result\/\1.result/' sh

tar cf - whatever ssh remotehost " ( cd /some/path ; tar xf - ) "
ssh -l ysc212 "( cd /tmp/mark ; tar cf - hmm ) " tar xf -

tar cf - hmm gzip ssh -l ysc212 " ( cd /tmp/mark ; cat > hmm.tar.gz ) "

ls sed -e 's/^\(.*\).fa/http:\/\/localhost:81\/sssdb\/tools\/motifseq10foldtest.php?motif=1A&fold=0\/

ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/wget -O \1.fatr0 " http:\/\/\/sssdb\/tools\/motifseq10foldtrain.php?motif=\1\&fold=0"/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/muscle\/muscle3.6\/muscle -in \1.fatr0 -out \1.fatr0a/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmbuild -g -n \1 -A motif.hmm \1.fatr0a/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmpfam motif.hmm \1.fate0/'

ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmpfam -E 300 motif.hmm \1.fate0 perl ..\/fasta\/ \1/' sh perl ../fasta/

yesrm *.fat*
rm motif.hmm
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/wget -O \1.fatr0 " http:\/\/\/sssdb\/tools\/motifseq10foldtrain.php?motif=\1\&fold=0"/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/muscle\/muscle3.6\/muscle -in \1.fatr0 -out \1.fatr0a/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmbuild -g -n \1 -A motif.hmm \1.fatr0a/'
ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\/fa\/\(.*\).fa/..\/hmmer\/binaries\/hmmpfam -E 300 motif.hmm \1.fate0 perl ..\/fasta\/ \1/' sh perl ../fasta/

for ($cx=0;$cx<10;$cx++){
`yesrm *.fat*`;
`rm motif.hmm`;
`ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\\/fa\\/\\(.*\\).fa/wget -q -O \\1.fatr$cx "http:\\/\\/\\/sssdb\\/tools\\/motifseq10foldtrain.php?motif=\\1\\&fold=$cx"/'sh`;
`ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\\/fa\\/\\(.*\\).fa/wget -q -O \\1.fate$cx "http:\\/\\/\\/sssdb\\/tools\\/motifseq10foldtest.php?motif=\\1\\&fold=$cx"/'sh`;
`ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\\/fa\\/\\(.*\\).fa/..\\/muscle\\/muscle3.6\\/muscle -quiet -in \\1.fatr$cx -out \\1.fatra$cx/'ish`;
`ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\\/fa\\/\\(.*\\).fa/..\\/hmmer\\/binaries\\/hmmbuild -g -n \\1 -A motif.hmm \\1.fatra$cx/'sh`;
print `ls ../fa/*.fa sed -e 's/^..\\/fa\\/\\(.*\\).fa/..\\/hmmer\\/binaries\\/hmmpfam -E 300 motif.hmm \\1.fate$cx perl ..\\/fasta\\/ \\1/' sh perl ../fasta/`;



suggest 1B=1A
database wrong g6rlx.2
d1dyza_ suggest we should also train alpha helixes.
suggest d1nbqa2 should be 1F instead of 10C
this two suggest how HMM works: d1dyza_ & d1smaa1 & d1ea9c1
d1bf5a2 suggest we should see 7&8 as one (by seeing the sequence only, it knows 5&8 h-bonds together?)
three sheets like: d1ikna2(7F), d1nfia2(4F)
it can also suggest a way of transformation.
although HMM correctly identify d1tfpa_ is 38A, it also suggest d1tfpa_ is closed to 7J, as I comment in our database
Model Description Score E-value N
-------- ----------- ----- ------- ---
38A.fa 357.4 4.8e-106 1
7J.fa 276.8 9e-82 1

detect 3 sheets, suggest g1pvc.1 is 6E, even g1pvc.1, d1du5a_ belongs to different fold:
NC: g1pvc.1: 6E.fa 346.5 9.2e-103 1
6E: d1du5a_, d1kwna_


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